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Hurt Somebody

歌詞來源專輯:歐美男歌手 / Akon / The Koncrete Mixtape
Well tell them I'm the mob
I don't own them
I'll take the sUgar sharks
TheY can't breathe oUt the water
I'll tear YoUr a** apart
And pUt YoU oUt of order
ThIs concrete Is too cold
To be walkIng on It
Or else walkIng on It wIth no shoes on
(no shoes on)
Don't wanna strUggle oh no
Don't want It to become a habIt
I've been lIvIng In the gUtter
WIth no shoes on
Let me get Up oUt of here
Before I hUrt someBody
Or I have to hUrt someBody
Before I hUrt someBody
Or I have to hUrt someBody
Before I hUrt someBody
Or I have to hUrt someBody
Before I hUrt someBody
Or I have to hUrt someBody

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